

Basic Travel takes the privacy of its customers seriously and will deal with the personal data provided by you in a careful manner. Below, you will find the purposes for which Basic Travel uses these data.

Booking and accommodation
When making a booking or when requesting information via the website, you will be requested to enter personal data, such as your name, address and telephone number. These data are used for purposes of the booking process or to facilitate the provision of information and communication proceeding as smoothly and accurately as possible. Additionally, your personal data will be processed in Basic Travel's customer database. Basic Travel will only provide your personal data to third parties in the context of your booking and proper implementation of your stay, such as to the owner or manager of the accommodation(s) booked by you. Basic Travel will never provide your data to third parties for marketing purposes.

If you have signed up for Basic Travel's digital newsletter, Basic Travel will also use your personal data for the purpose of sending this newsletter. Every newsletter contains a simple option to unsubscribe, by clicking on a link. Additionally, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter in writing, including by e-mail.

Changes to your data
You may request access to your personal data processed by Basic Travel and, if so desired, make changes. You can do this in writing, including by e-mail.

Improvement of websites and services/Statistics
Basic Travel records general data with regard to visits to its website. These records cannot be traced back to the identity of individual visitors and are used exclusively for statistical purposes and for optimising Basic Travel's websites.

Changes to Privacy Statement
Basic Travel reserves the right to effect changes to this privacy statement without prior notice. Changes will be published on this page as soon as possible.

Capelle aan den IJssel, 2024